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power to execute laws

  • 1 power to execute laws

    Politics english-russian dictionary > power to execute laws

  • 2 execute

    виконувати (вирок, заповіт, обов'язки, розпорядження, функції тощо); здійснювати ( дію); виконувати необхідні формальності; оформляти ( документи тощо); страчати

    execute one's duties honestly and diligently= execute one's duty honestly and diligently виконувати свій обов'язок чесно і сумлінно

    execute one's duty honestly and diligently= execute one's duties honestly and diligently

    - execute a deed of assignment
    - execute a document
    - execute a judgment
    - execute a judgement
    - execute a law
    - execute a legal document
    - execute a power of attorney
    - execute a search
    - execute a sentence
    - execute a statute
    - execute a warrant
    - execute a will
    - execute a writ
    - execute an offender
    - execute an order
    - execute by a firing squad
    - execute by shooting
    - execute capital punishment
    - execute duties
    - execute forfeiture
    - execute forgery
    - execute in the electric chair
    - execute justice
    - execute laws
    - execute one's duties honestly
    - execute powers
    - execute process
    - execute publicly
    - execute seizure
    - execute summarily
    - execute the decision taken
    - execute the lynching
    - execute without trial

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > execute

  • 3 execute

    transitive verb
    1) (kill) hinrichten; exekutieren (Milit.)
    2) (put into effect) ausführen; durchführen [Vorschrift, Gesetz]
    3) (Law) vollstrecken [Testament]; unterzeichnen [Urkunde]
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) hinrichten
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) ausführen
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) durchführen
    - academic.ru/25570/execution">execution
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) die Exekutive
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) leitender Angestellter
    * * *
    to \execute sth etw durchführen
    to \execute a manoeuvre [or AM maneuver] ein Manöver ausführen
    to \execute an order einen Befehl ausführen
    to \execute a plan einen Plan ausführen [o durchführen]
    to \execute a play ein Stück aufführen
    to \execute a somersault einen Purzelbaum schlagen
    2. LAW
    to \execute sb's will das Testament von jdm vollstrecken
    to \execute sb jdn hinrichten
    * * *
    1) plan, order, task etc durchführen, ausführen; movement, dance ausführen; duties erfüllen, wahrnehmen; purpose erfüllen; (COMPUT) command ausführen
    2) (MUS: perform) vortragen; cadenza etc ausführen; (ART) ausführen
    3) criminal hinrichten
    4) (JUR) will vollstrecken, ausführen; contract ausfertigen; (= sign) document unterzeichnen
    * * *
    execute [ˈeksıkjuːt]
    A v/t
    1. einen Auftrag, Plan etc aus-, durchführen, einen Vertrag erfüllen:
    execute a dance step einen Tanzschritt machen;
    a statue executed in bronze eine in Bronze ausgeführte Statue
    2. ein Amt etc ausüben
    3. MUS vortragen, spielen
    4. JUR
    a) eine Urkunde etc (rechtsgültig) ausfertigen; durch Unterschrift, Siegel etc vollziehen
    b) eine Vollmacht ausstellen
    c) ein Testament (rechtsgültig) errichten
    d) ein Urteil vollziehen, vollstrecken
    e) jemanden hinrichten ( for wegen)
    B v/i IT ablaufen (Programm etc)
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (kill) hinrichten; exekutieren (Milit.)
    2) (put into effect) ausführen; durchführen [Vorschrift, Gesetz]
    3) (Law) vollstrecken [Testament]; unterzeichnen [Urkunde]
    * * *
    ablaufen v.
    ausführen v.
    durchführen v.
    exekutieren v.
    hinrichten v.
    unterzeichnen v.

    English-german dictionary > execute

  • 4 execute

    'eksikju:t 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) henrette
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) utføre, sette i verk
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) utføre, spille, foredra, oppføre
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) utøvende makt
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) leder, sjef, direktør
    verb \/ˈeksɪkjuːt\/
    1) henrette
    2) utføre, virkeliggjøre, sette ut i livet, effektuere
    will you execute your intention?
    3) utføre, spille, oppføre, foredra
    4) ( jus) fullbyrde, eksekvere, utferdige, opprette, utstede, overdra
    did she execute her estate to you?
    5) ( handel) effektuere
    did you execute the order?
    6) ( EDB) utføre
    execute a will fullbyrde et testamente opprette et testamente

    English-Norwegian dictionary > execute

  • 5 execute

    1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) ejecutar
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) ejecutar
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) ejecutar, realizar, llevar a cabo
    - executioner
    - executive

    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) poder ejecutivo
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) ejecutivo
    execute vb ejecutar
    1 (put to death) ejecutar, ajusticiar
    2 (carry out) ejecutar; (orders) cumplir; (tasks) realizar, llevar a cabo
    3 (music etc) interpretar
    4 SMALLLAW/SMALL (will) cumplir
    execute ['ɛksɪ.kju:t] vt, - cuted ; - cuting
    1) carry out: ejecutar, llevar a cabo, desempeñar
    2) enforce: ejecutar, cumplir (un testamento, etc.)
    3) kill: ejecutar, ajusticiar
    ejecutar v.
    ajusticiar v.
    cumplimentar v.
    finalizar v.
    otorgar v.
    tronar v.
    1) (carry out, perform) ejecutar; \<\<duties\>\> desempeñar, ejercer*
    2) ( put to death) ejecutar
    1) (=put to death) (gen) ejecutar; (by firing squad) fusilar
    2) (=carry out, perform) [+ plan] llevar a cabo, ejecutar; [+ work of art] realizar; [+ order] ejecutar, cumplir; [+ scheme, task, duty] desempeñar; [+ will] ejecutar; [+ document] otorgar; (Comput) ejecutar
    * * *
    1) (carry out, perform) ejecutar; \<\<duties\>\> desempeñar, ejercer*
    2) ( put to death) ejecutar

    English-spanish dictionary > execute

  • 6 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) henrette
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) udføre; gennemføre
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) udføre; foretage
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) den udøvende magt
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) leder; chef; direktør
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) henrette
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) udføre; gennemføre
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) udføre; foretage
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) den udøvende magt
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) leder; chef; direktør

    English-Danish dictionary > execute

  • 7 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) executar
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) executar/cumprir
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) executar
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) executivo
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) executivo
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] vt executar: 1 efetuar, cumprir, desempenhar. 2 fazer, realizar, levar a efeito. 3 exercer, praticar. 4 tocar. to execute a piece of music / executar uma peça musical. 5 Jur penhorar, seqüestrar. 6 justiçar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > execute

  • 8 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) lífláta
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) framkvæma
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) gera, framkvæma, leika
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) framkvæmdavald
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) stjórnandi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > execute

  • 9 execute

    végrehajt, elvégez, kivégez
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) kivégez
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) végrehajt
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) előad
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) végrehajtó hatalom, szerv
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) vezető; főtisztviselő; igazgató

    English-Hungarian dictionary > execute

  • 10 execute

    v. gerçekleştirmek, yapmak, düzenlemek, yerine getirmek, sergilemek, ortaya koymak, idam etmek, infaz etmek
    * * *
    1. çalıştır 2. işlet
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) idam etmek
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) uygulamak
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) yapmak
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) yürütme/icra organı
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) yönetici, idareci

    English-Turkish dictionary > execute

  • 11 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) usmrtiti
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) izvajati
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) izvajati
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) izvršna oblast
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) vodilni delavec
    * * *
    transitive verb
    izvršiti, izdelati, izvajati; music predvajati; juridically overoviti, potrditi; zarubiti; usmrtiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > execute

  • 12 execute

    • panna toimeen
    • toimia
    • toimeenpanna
    finance, business, economy
    • toimittaa
    • toteuttaa
    • esittää
    • soittaa
    • täytäntöönpanna
    • täytäntöön
    • täyttää
    • teilata
    • teurastaa
    • tehdä
    • teloittaa
    • likvidoida
    • mestata
    • murhata
    • suorittaa
    automatic data processing
    • suorittaa(komento)
    • surmata
    • tappaa
    • lynkata
    * * *
    'eksikju:t 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) teloittaa
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) panna täytäntöön
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) esittää
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) toimeenpaneva elin
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) johtaja, johto

    English-Finnish dictionary > execute

  • 13 execute

    1) (kill) giustiziare
    2) (carry out) eseguire [ order]; mettere in atto [ plan]
    3) inform. eseguire
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) giustiziare
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) eseguire
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) eseguire
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) (potere) esecutivo
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) dirigente
    * * *
    1) (kill) giustiziare
    2) (carry out) eseguire [ order]; mettere in atto [ plan]
    3) inform. eseguire

    English-Italian dictionary > execute

  • 14 execute

    person wykonywać (wykonać perf) egzekucję na +loc, stracić ( perf) ( literary); order, movement, manouvre wykonywać (wykonać perf); plan przeprowadzać (przeprowadzić perf), wprowadzać (wprowadzić perf) w życie
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) stracić
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) wypełniać
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) wykonywać
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) władza wykonawcza, organ
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) pracownik na samodzielnym stanowisku

    English-Polish dictionary > execute

  • 15 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) sodīt ar nāvi
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) izpildīt (rīkojumu u.tml.; testamentu)
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) izpildīt (skaņdarbu, dejas soļus u.tml.)
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) izpildvara
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) administrators; vadītājs
    * * *
    izpildīt nāves sodu, sodīt ar nāvi; noformēt; atskaņot; izpildīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > execute

  • 16 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) nubausti mirtimi
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) įvykdyti
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) atlikti
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) vykdomoji valdžia
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) vadovaujantis darbuotojas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > execute

  • 17 execute

    v. uträtta; avrätta
    * * *
    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) avrätta
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) utföra, verkställa
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) utföra, exekvera
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) verkställande myndighet
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) chef, chefstjänsteman

    English-Swedish dictionary > execute

  • 18 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) popravit
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) provést
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) vykonat, vyřídit
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) exekutiva
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) vedoucí úředník
    * * *
    • uskutečnit
    • udělat
    • vykonat
    • popravit
    • provést
    • spustit

    English-Czech dictionary > execute

  • 19 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) popraviť
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) uskutočniť
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) predviesť
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) exekutíva
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) vedúci úradník
    * * *
    • vykonávat
    • vykonat
    • spracovat
    • uskutocnit
    • realizovat
    • popravit

    English-Slovak dictionary > execute

  • 20 execute

    ['eksikju:t] 1. verb
    1) (to put to death by order of the law: After the war many traitors were executed.) a executa
    2) (to carry out (instructions etc).) a executa
    3) (to perform (a movement etc usually requiring skill).) a executa
    - executioner
    - executive
    2. noun
    1) (the branch of the government that puts the laws into effect.) putere executivă
    2) (a person or body of people in an organization etc that has power to direct or manage: He is an executive in an insurance company.) ad­mi­nistrator; director

    English-Romanian dictionary > execute

См. также в других словарях:

  • Power of attorney — For the television program, see Power of Attorney (TV show). A power of attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act on another s behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter. The person… …   Wikipedia

  • Military aid to the civil power — (MACP) (sometimes to the civil authorities) is assistance by the armed forces to the civil authorities of the state with the provision of specialist equipment or trained personnel. It is used in many countries, including Canada and the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Gun laws in the United States (by state) — U.S. Firearms Legal Topics Assault weapons ban ATF Bureau Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Concealed carry in the U.S. Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban …   Wikipedia

  • Reserve power — Not to be confused with Reserved power (disambiguation). In a parliamentary or semi presidential system of government, a reserve power is a power that may be exercised by the head of state without the approval of another branch of the government …   Wikipedia

  • Penal Laws — • Treats of the penal legislation affecting Catholics in English speaking countries since the Reformation. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Penal Laws     Penal Laws      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Nuclear power phase-out — A nuclear power plant at Grafenrheinfeld, Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel s coalition announced on May 30, 2011, that Germany’s 17 nuclear power stations will be shut down by 2022, in a policy reversal following Japan s Fukushima Daiichi… …   Wikipedia

  • executive — ex ec·u·tive || tɪv n. manager, person or group of persons having administrative authority within an organization; branch of a government or organization which executes laws and policy adj. administrative, operational, having the power to… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • executives — ex ec·u·tive || tɪv n. manager, person or group of persons having administrative authority within an organization; branch of a government or organization which executes laws and policy adj. administrative, operational, having the power to… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • executory — ex ec·u·to·ry || tÉ™rɪ adj. executive, having the power to execute laws and policy; to be carried out or executed …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Oath of office — Lyndon B. Johnson taking the presidential oath of office in 1963, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy An oath of office is an oath or affirmation a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office, usually a position in government… …   Wikipedia

  • President of Indonesia — Infobox Political post post = President body = the Republic of Indonesia insignia = Flag of Indonesia.svg insigniasize = 100px insigniacaption = Flag of Indonesia incumbent = Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono incumbentsince = 20 October 2004 appointer =… …   Wikipedia

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